Friday, June 8, 2007

Eye Contace and Facial Exppressiveness

Many cultures vary on their interpretation of eye contact. It is important to know the cultural differences concerning eye contact to avoid sending the wrong signals. In North America maintaining eye contact during a conversation signals honesty, interest, and sincerity. Whereas lack of eye contact can signal the the person has something to hide.
On the contrary, in Asian cultures it is disrespectful to look someone directly in the eye who is of greater status because it implies that you are of the same statues. Also in Central and South America, a women who makes eye contact as she passes by a man risks being considered brazen and the man may interpret her eye contact as sexual interests.
Another element of nonverbal communication is facial expressions. Many expressions can be formed from various combinations of facial movements, but the simplest movement slightly modified can display a variety of feelings. (Hamilton, 165, 306)

1 comment:

Shalimar Samurai said...

Along with cultural differencs in eye contact, eye contact may mean differnt things at differnt stages in an individuals life. To learn more visit the link below:

Lord, Cathrine (1974). The perception of Eye Contact in Children and Adults, by Cathernine Lord. Socitey for Research in Child Development . 1113-1117. Retrieved 9 June from JSTOR Database.